Tuesday, January 12, 2010

32 Degree weather

I sent my kids out in the cold today to play. We just had had enough of being stuck indoors. So, at 4:00 today, I said to them, "All right, everybody get on their socks and shoes, coats and gloves and go outside! You are going to play tag out there and enjoy it!" Previous to today, I don't think I would have ever made my kids play outside in 32 degree weather. (I personally try not to go anywhere ever with the kids when it is cold, unless I have to.) But last week, I ran into Lisa Johnston and she told me that where they are from if it gets to 10 degrees below freezing, then the kids cannot go outside for recess! What!? You mean we've been cooped up and had cabin fever now for almost a month, when I could have been sending them outside every day! This is an awesome revelation. We bundled up and played tag outside. Then the boys decided to walk on the frozen little creek in our back yard. Micah said he was having an "adventure." Eventually, Ezra fell through the ice (It just went up to his calf) and then of course Micah had to keep doing it until he fell through too! Wow, what an adventure! After about an hour, they all came in and I gave the boys a hot bath. We are definitely going to do this more often!

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